life getting worse

Reyhan Galih
1 min readJan 21, 2023

todays recommendation listening: You go to my head, by Chet Baker

it is grind time 24/7, no breaks, keep going, social all the time, working as much as possibly can, keep pushing, never say no, lets took this mentality throughout the year.

whats funny about it.. i got a lot less done, less social & more unhappy. because i was pushing myself do more than i could, i couldnt keep that same mindset, i couldnt carry it through, i was try but it just didnt work.

everyday ive woken up, and said to myself, not today. i just cant do it, i cant talk right now, im so physically & mentally exhausted, and my morning is all about how to always strive the grind and hustle mentality. morning feels like a set of continuous battle, body and soul not perfectly synchronized.

but here it is… c’est la vie.

